Tired with just getting by?
Tired of feeling you can
do more? -
Ready to do something
about it?


Change your perspective, change your life...
I write to trigger awakenings, conversations, reflections and explorations of ourselves and the world around us. I speak to ignite self-awareness, a passion about life, and fully living it with gumption. I coach to uplift and get you where you wish to be - what I call a Divintastical Living state.
I am a Board Certified and Designated NLP Master Coach specializing in life strategies and business acceleration based on MNLP, MTLT/CYF, and MCHT as well as Prosci change management considerations, whereby, my practice is held to the highest standard of ethics and conduct. As such, I belong to an elite set of coaches that can guarantee your results in over 42 countries. I am proud of this accomplishment and how you can benefit from it..
As an Author, Life Strategist and Business Accelerator, my quest and commitment is to give everyone encountered a sense of worth, and for you to know that our life journey has a meaning only we can substantiate.
On this day - Now, get closer to your goals, rather than further. Book your Meet-N-Greet to see if you and I can play together and start something amazing.

TIME TO BE Nurtured

Time to Indulge


Arrays of Living Podcast

My Interviews

Articles & Blogs

Frequently Asked Questions
My struggles started at a young age; which has turned out as my blessing. Between the ages of 5 and 7, my Mom immigrated to North America, and I was left in the care of a grandmother who frankly considered my dark skin ugly and not substantial enough to achieve anything. As a result she created deep seated scars of worthlessness in my psyche. On top of that I am the by-product of a dark-skinned, abusive dad that loved women, and lived a promiscuous lifestyle. His insatiable desires had impacts that took a good part of my life figuring it all out and where I truly belonged. I had to get over these early beatdowns. I had to reclaim my worth. I know about being disappointed and hurt by people you should have been able to count on. I know what feeling stuck is like, and thinking why am I here or how did I get here. I know what re-writing internally prescribed narratives takes. I know about limiting beliefs. AND I know about the journey to recovery, forgiveness, achievement, gratitude and self-love.
I create safe havens for you to share your story - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Whether help is focused on personal or professional changes, my approach is to progress you to acknowledge, forgive and surmise the past - painful or otherwise. That approach fathoms a future to reach for, and anchors you in the present to take the necessary actions forward. Where we start depends on where you are when we start. A variety of best practice techniques, that include NLP, will be used in the nurturing sessions. Together, we overcome perceived limitations, progress forward one achievement at a time, and positively contribute to ourselves, the life we are striving to achieve, and our communities
Let’s face it, we only have one life to live, and when we pursue our careers and/or businesses, we do so to build a life. That life includes all aspects of who we are - personal and professional - to ensure we make our life journey whole and not fragmented.
Now layer on my practice philosophy to lead with love based on knowing that:
- We were all born with at least one gift.
- We have a responsibility to embrace and use our innate gifts to establish worth, fulfillment, and achieve perpetual happiness within ourselves and in serving others.
Those underpinning beliefs means I hold a mission to:
- improve how people feel about themselves;
- empower their sense of self-worth (amour de soi); and
- help them achieve more personally and professionally than they even imagined
My role is that of mentorship and nurturing to build strong trust relationships in which you always see my outreached hand, and know it leads to a safe space for you.
I don’t seek to do a good job, I thrive by doing amazing work, and my clients, as well as many others I interact with, are always giving me unsolicited and positive feedback because I go over and above expectations to deliver huge value for them. Seeing and experiencing that connection and bond is how I know I am doing the amazing work I always strive to do. Refer to my testimonials to see the truth of my response.