2021 may send a message of renewal that is framed around a new U.S. president, COVID vaccinations, resurgence from confinement, legalization of cannabis use extending globally, and possible removal of social distancing regulations. With so much going on, we must wonder if the oxen traits can bring a significant recovery from the whiplash of 2020.
I have to admit that I am a follower of Chinese New Year and the associated animal zodiacs that reign over each year. 2020 restarted the 12-year cycle with the Metal Rat, and this year the Metal Ox will be crowned.
The Chinese zodiac is intricate and extraordinarily fascinating, hence, my ongoing interest. For example, legend has it that the ox could have been first in the cycle, but during the race it gave the rat a ride. The rat then jumped off and ran ahead to seize the number one spot, and so the ox became second instead. The Chinese zodiac is filled with all sorts of tales, calculations, links to nature and yin/yang, etc., and lean heavily on characteristics of the animals for its yearly predictions. With that said, what should we expect this year?
The ox is highly valued for its role in agriculture and is respected as having made great contributions towards developing society. Its characteristics are also rather positive – hardworking, diligent, honest,and doesn’t seek attention despite being intelligent and talented. As such, 2021 is a year that, overall, will be lucky. Don’t hold me to this on an individual level, however, because, as I said, so much goes into these predictions. In following this over the years, I have found the general predictions to be fairly accurate. Apparently, this is a time to emulate the ox and work hard to really accomplish things, and that hard work will be rewarded. So, if you did indeed set goals for yourself, bend your head and get going to move them over to your completed list.
Now, I did not see anything that said the year would be easy, but I also did not see anything that said it would be hard or catastrophic either. In fact, my optimism leads me to conclude that this will be a great year to recover from 2020, as long as we work hard to overcome any setbacks.
Happy Chinese New Year (which started on February 12th)!!
Life is about our choices and, with this article, I chose to have a little fun, celebrate another culture’s year-end, and motivate my readers to continue their journey for more out of life.