Fall is here and it is a reflective and thankful season. Does the structure of that statement seem weird? Many would have said, “Fall is here and it’s a season of reflection and thankfulness”. While most may consider those two sentences to be saying the same thing, for me they are quite different, but by now, you know I am a bit peculiar in how I see things. The latter sentence presumes concurrence, and also supposes that you are practicing reflection and thankfulness. The opening statement does not make such assumptions, and this article is aimed at getting you to appreciate the merit in seeing Fall or Autumn as I do – as an opportune time to become reflective and thankful. So, let’s take a step back to acknowledge that on Wednesday, September 22nd, and one day following World Gratitude Day, we officially transitioned from Summer to Fall.

The transition is usually marred by cooler weather, shorter days that lead to waking up in darkness and by 4:30 PM, darkness surrounds us again. For some, it is a time of reprieve from the heated days of summer, and for others, the departure is dreaded. Yet, on the other side of all of that, is the fact of autumn being one of the most beautiful seasons with its vibrant colours. The leaves of summer eventually cascade to the ground in natural or windy splendor. Once accumulated, they form a cushioned base to walk amongst, with the leaves tumbling around your feet and flowing alongside your strides. Photographers are kept busy accommodating newlyweds, who adore the backdrop of autumn colours to enhance their wedding pictures. The cool air truly delivers crisp and lively images to complement those within the lens of the camera.
For sure, we can all claim moments of strife, but even as those challenges unfold, we have things warranting our gratitude. There is always an opportunity to sit and take in our surroundings. There is always an opportunity to direct our focus; even if in short bursts of time, to what we see in those surroundings that make us thankful. The foremost being that we have our eyes to see the miracle of nature evolving and preparing for its Winter hibernation. Those not having their sight, may find solace in the smells, and caress of the cooler air, and will in all likeliness hear, over and above those with sight, minute changes in the sounds that occur from one season to the other.

Fall being a season for reflecting and abundant appreciation is a viewpoint that can be substantiated. After all, in October, Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving Day, in November Americans celebrate their Thanksgiving Day, and in December most of the world celebrates Christmas, another day to be thankful. Additionally, at the world level, in the same period of September to December, other celebrations are plentiful, and it is justified that World Gratitude Day kicks off the new season. Subsequently, we head into celebratory and awareness days related to heart, international music, temperance, inventors, internet, food, eradication of poverty, day of tolerance, toilet, television, mental health, elimination of violence against women, abolition of slavery, volunteers, human rights, Diwali, Hanukkah, Indigenous Faith Day, and so many others. What is in that list not to be reflective and/or thankful for? I don’t know about you, but I am certainly reflective of mental health, and thankful for toilets!