There is no ‘I’ in team, yet a team is composed of individuals that must work together toward a shared goal or purpose. How those individuals function, interact, and communicate within and across the team is indicative of how well that team

The term “strategy” is derived from the Latin word “strategus” or the Greek word “strategos,” which has the meaning of “military general.” It is no wonder many references to the strategy include aspects of military concepts, and in many, if not all,

There are so many situations in life where we face personalized feedback – work, school, sports, home, and online. Sometimes there are even situations in which we are directly confronted with feedback like for job performance meetings. Other times we solicit feedback

You got an idea. You took steps to implement that idea. And now you’re running a business of one or more people. You’re shouldering responsibilities to yourself, staff, family, and banker. Depending upon the type, size, and form of the business, that

The current buzz words for most companies are “transformation” and “innovation.” The pervasiveness of those words correlate to the pressure companies are under to stay relevant. Many of their initiatives transform or innovate something related to methods, processes, technology, products, and services.

2021 may send a message of renewal that is framed around a new U.S. president, COVID vaccinations, resurgence from confinement, legalization of cannabis use extending globally, and possible removal of social distancing regulations. With so much going on, we must wonder if

In the prior article, I presented a three-team tier that will provide your business with a strong foundation to perform better and ensure its longevity. I suggested organizing these teams will put your business into a state for optimal strategic and tactical

We face a new year, and to what degree time is on our side has more to do with what we aim to accomplish than how long it takes to get things done. Changing your perspective on this can change your life…

As a writer, I love words, specifically the word “innovation.” It has been trending as a buzz word for some time now, much like “collaboration” once was. Yet somehow, innovation seems more relevant and lasting. I traced the media buzz as far