“Don’t worry, be happy” is one of those clichés that is so much easier to say than do. Worrying is an ingrained human trait. As a human, you experience worry, and you do from a very young age. “Happy,” however, is the

Fall is here and it is a reflective and thankful season. Does the structure of that statement seem weird? Many would have said, “Fall is here and it’s a season of reflection and thankfulness”. While most may consider those two sentences to

We have been bombarded our entire lives with the message to become successful or aim for success. Yet, we hear of supposedly successful people who are deeply unhappy and/or feeling profoundly unfulfilled. Our reaction is to shake our heads in sadness when

I love this picture! It shows the aspects of aging many of us dread and work so hard to avoid or delay. The wrinkles, loose skin, age spots, grey and thinning hair, and receding gum lines are all telltale signs of our

Two people awake excited at what is ahead. Both take what they do very seriously. They are both skilled at their work. They both trained hard, attended every class, seized every opportunity to learn and achieve expert-level status. They both deserve to

In business, there is no such thing as a team of one. To grow and achieve a vision, business owners and entrepreneurs must seek to interconnect and work with others; either as hired staff, customers, or third-party collaborators. Even as a “solopreneur,”

I will always marvel at the fact that although COVID-19 was the cause of many negative outcomes, it also provided just as many, if not more, blessings. One such blessing is that the job market is moving away from the belief that

Sun Tzu, the author of the influential tome The Art of War, was a Chinese military strategist, general, and philosopher. He once stated that “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” With

The discussion of who likes Mondays is always an interesting one because of the extreme responses. For example, some people may say “I love Mondays but I hate Sundays” instead of the typical “I hate Mondays.” Why is that? Well, Sunday reminds